Friday 1 February 2008

Google search for SEOContest2008 shows only 10 results

Google search for "SEOContest2008" displays only 10 results. i did couple of searches though out the day. Got bit different results each time. that means Google have indexed loads of sites who compete in the contest but displays only the best ten for some reason.


Unknown said...

Possibly a sign of the Google Sandbox, what do you think?

SEOContest2008 said...

its not sandbox...but seems like a new feature in Google algorithm.

once i read a article (cant remember which site it was on) regarding how a new feature in Google react when thousands of web pages suddenly optimize(and being indexed) for a specific unfamiliar keyword. i think thats what happening now

SandBox (taken from Wiki)
"The Sandbox Effect is the theory that websites with newly-registered domains or domains with frequent ownership or nameserver changes are placed in a sandbox (holding area) in the indexes of Google until it is deemed appropriate before a ranking can commence."

SEOContest2008 said...

now things seems alright with google displaying more than 2500 results for SEOContest2008